55th Reunion Qustionaire

A few folks have expressed an interest in having a small gathering for a 55th Reunion. It was explored to do a possible joint affair with the Class of 67. This email is to gauge interest in an event. As an example the Class of 67 is having a two day affair in October. Day one, Saurday. options would be a golf outing and a Lynchburg walking tour during the day with a Meet and Greet Saturday Night (Cocktails, light snacks) and Day two, Sunday is a catered afternoon bar-b-que lunch with a DJ (2-4 hours). Please use this only as a guideline to a Reunion Structure but it would give you an idea of the scope. Please answer the following questions to help gauge the overall Class interest. Thanks!


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1)   Would you have an interest in attending a 55th Reunion for the Class of 66?

Yes No
2)   How many people would be interested in attending:

3)   Would you be interested a joint Reunion with the Class of 67?