E C Glass High School
Class of 1966

Last Will and Testament~'66
1966 Seniors Last Will and Testament
Published in the June 2, 1966 issue of the "High Times" courtesy of Keith Fisher
I, Shelia Page, will to some lucky girl my seat in that goodlooking Teddybear Sherill's homeroom!!
I, Leslie Shaner,will all of my passionate love letters to Linda Spradlin and to Mr Cardwell the haunt of my laugh for next year.
I, Warren Mace, being completely incapable, will to the prettiest girl in Mrs.Lee's second period gym class, one bullseye, three arrows, and a broken bowstring
I, Donald Turner, will to Duke Trevillian a box of YU' s and a private telephone to Southern.cafe
I, Phyllis Pugh, do will my locker to the rats who are already in it
I, Judy Mitchell, do hereby will to Mrs.Cothran a herd of horses so the choir next year can plow through Georgia.
I, John Pettyjohn, do hereby will two autographed "GOV" dolls to Jay Costan and Frank Malloy and my surfboard to my brother Jimmy Carter.
I, Bonnie Jean Pugh, gtve to Debbie Pugh my ability to pass math, to Reggie Pugh my scientific mind, and to Wayne Harris one Punch.
I, Collier Jackson will my ability to be in good moods at all times to Debbie Kinney and my ability to remember song lyrics to Steve Wiley
I, Tommy Burnett, will to Gene Sterne (Clara) my ability to run from Balls.
I, Kenneth Elder (Tosi), will David Weigan the ability to take Cheryl Lowe from Irvin Mulholland. Have fun boys!
I, Richard Goff, do will to Glenny Flint and "Killer" Kim Kimlin my great ability to outwit the likes of: Mr. Noechel, "The Great" Gills, Dallas McKenna, Pop Durham, and L. Oppleman.
I, J C.Murphy, do will to Mr.Lockhart my collection of spit balls, to Mrs.Johnson my grape chewing gum, and to Miss Cox my voodoo doll of Virgil
I, Larry Spencer, will my ability to skip school to Mary Lou Cronin and to Teddy, Ryland, Cindy, Kathy and Ellen, I will the famous ARGO.
I, Albert Lerner, leave one used Edsel Mechanic for 16th Street Body Shop and one slight burnt television to Electric Shop.
I, Roland Dube, will to Mr.Fielder a clock that constantly stays at 8:45 and a spelling test that would be easy for everyone.
I, Eddie Ness, will my good looks to Meg. S.,Ginny M., and Debbie P. and my brain to Jinx Thorn
I, David M. Waldron, being of a completely deranged mind, leave to next year's 4th period bank~runner the ability to lose $120.06 and to Kenny Wright and Bill Walshe the hope that they use "The House" to the moral and spiritual improvement of Lynchburg youth.
I, Harry White, do will to the entire class of '67 in the lower quarter the ability to take up the 5 year plan as I did.
I, Jimmy Bibb, will to Kenneth Lindsay a fish burger, Tommy Hamilton and Mike Caler a Plymouth, and Kyle Childress luck on the five year plan
I,Mike Harris, will my drinking ability to my admirer, Mrs.Jean Lee; l also will my determination to succeed to my dear sister, Debra.
I, Kemper Towler, hereby will one ammonia capsule to David Marks; a broken bat to Bob Ray; and to Carl · Crennel one licorice stick.
I, Wayne Harris, do will Coach Bradford 3 David Callahams, 2 Jim Egens, and 1 Chuck Ganney; and to Coach Bryan 2 ''7 foot" watusis
I, Marty Davidson, hereby will Randy Etllund my auditorium, to underclassmen complete journalism notes consisting of 89 pages of nothing to Jim Booth the Colonial Lounge.
I, Arthur Wood,do hereby will to Capt Wally Gilbert my ability to run only half of a regular work out.
I, Jarrett Dudley, and I, Pooh Mullan, do hereby will:That neither rain nor dunes nor dark of night shall keep Joyce Morris and Mona Peak from a summer's midnight flight-Have fun, Girls!
I, Edith Johnson, do will to my sister,Shirley, all my ability to speak French, borrow money, chew bubble gum, and most of all to enjoy my friends
I, Nancy Smythe, will to Charlie Robinson and Nicky Pacott my ability to keep out of trouble durIng swimming practice and on trips.
I. Frank Murray, do will MikeThompson my aggressiveness, Mrs.Knipp one diet cola, and Ellen Ogle my ability to be faster than most
I. Shirley Gilbert, do hereby will my ability to get through fouryears of high school to Kenneth Gilbert and Lewis Anthony.
I, Emmett Sprouse, do will my memory to Mr.Joe Cox who helped me more than any other teacher when he moved to Florida
I, Pam Morrison, do hereby will to Glenn Miller and Wade Henson my ability to drive my car without getting the gears hung.
I, Kay Bennington, will to Coach Sherrill a good looking student teacher, a toupee after his haircuts and to Mrs.Mayberry an unconfused year.
I, Tommy Deshazo, do will to Randy (Buzzer) Wallace and Charles Trice a new voice. Also to Coach Bryan, David Hobb's hair
I, Deborah Stevens, do hereby will to M. E. the best of everything in the future and to Mr.Reid more of those highly-talented (??) draftsmen.
I, Lynne Shotton do will the jeep keys to Jeanie Shotton,my B. T. to John Lloyd Swann, and my Saint Christopher's medal to Jerry Salmon.
I,.Tim Campbell, do will to the biology department one dissected mammoth elephant.
I, L.B.Moody, do will my dancing abilities to Kenneth Linsay to use as I see fit and Dexter Overstreet one G,.I.haircut at the dentist.
I, Robin Stein Wright, do will to it.all married,and about to be married students, the will to show that married students can graduate and can go to college
I, Jan Martin, will to some lucky girl my comfortable seat on the edge of Mr.Reid's desk, and to Mr.Shober my college ability,
I, Sammy Seagle, hereby will to all rising Seniors of '67,the hard est, toughest, greatest and most rewarding year in their educational careers.
I, David Reddy, will my ability to get along with Mr Shober to the next lucky fellow who is in his homeroom
I, Jessica Bunch leave to Peggy Staples all the happiness in the world.
I, Peggy Edmondson do hereby will to Mike Moore my ability to get caught chewing gum and to Coach Hoffman a new pair of hands.
I, Keith Fisher, hereby will my ability to Clay White, to get in and out of trouble for on coming football and baseball seasons.
I, Frank Daughtrey do will to Mr.Fielder a new name to mispronounce and to Miss Mcivor a fresh supply of dumb students.
We, Harry Hill and David Ruska, will membership in a select club to anyone with great courage, little pride, and a tremendous liking for whipped cream.
I, Brenda Faulconer, leave to Miss Waller my membership cards in the KKK, the Communist Party, Birch Society,the American Nazi Party, the NAACP.
I, Ronnie Hanby will to the Glass library classroom sets of 1984, To Kill A Mockingbird, Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolfe, and other overnight trash,
I, Mary Janet Blencowe, do will Mr White the key to the Lost & Found Room (if he can find it) and I will Mr. Lockhart my overgrown 4 ft.hexahexaftexagon,.
I, Phoebe Murphy, do hereby will to Comrade Raser a race track of blue horses and a truck full of U. S. Savings Bonds.
I, Bonnie Hawks, 'being of questionable mind, do hereby bequeath to Eddie Hawks the ability to look innocent at ALL times
I, Thomas Relf, leave my ability to pass a civics test to Elaine Bosiger and one used butterfly net to Miss Helen Ware
I, Carolyn Hicks, do hereby will Miss Hankins the best club yet, and to all its new members, I leave all the fun I have had.
I, Linda Wright, will to Robert Mawyer my ability not to get driving tickets and my hand in marriage to have and to hold! till . . . .
I, Mary Lynne Bryant, will my sister Betty my aging cat gut violin strings and my bleached horse haired bow
I, Verna Ferguson, do will all my vocabulary notes to the next person who has Miss Wiley for English
I, Jim Green, will Coaches Bradford, Sherrill, Gilbert, and Sheets an undefeated season with no ties and my Bristol films to Coach Sherrill for comedy.
I, Glenn D.Harlow, will to Bob·Gentry, my most faithful usher at.the Boonsboro Theater, my locker and to Drury Christian my sharpened pencils.
I, Luther Wright, do will to Mr.Lockhart seven mutated chicken eggs and one slightly used Batman costume.
I, Billy MacArthur, will to Duval McDaniels and Charlie Robinson one can of spray paint and a Flashlight.
I, Chip Morris, being of insane mind, do hereby will to Tom Trice my ability to scream like a Zombie
I, Roger Trent, do will all my expert drumming abilities to Bryant Bowles.
I, Linda Carroll, do will Brenda Bridgett all the luck in the world with Rusty,and all Ford owners a handkerchief to cry on.
I, Pam Smith, do will to all up-coming Seniors a year of excitement, enigma, discomfiture, austerity, incredibilities, but the most wonderful year of all in their high school years
I, Susan East, do will to the majorettes my ability to guide right and to Mrs Cothran a bowl of tapioca pudding.
I, Donna Pavek,will Calvin Wilson a locker to put his feet in when they get tired, because it would take that much room
I, Mary Lynne Hauser, do will Dick Loyd my straight hair, and Cheryl Bennet seven months good luck
I, Gwen Coleman, do wil my ability to do chemistry to Sharon Wood and my fun up the river to Meg Callaham and Jeanie S
I, Sam Glass, will to the students of E C.Glass High School censored assemblies.
I, Tim Shelton, being of sound mind will ... if desired my membership card to big "S" to anyone who wants it
I, Robert W.New,do will my honored seat in D. E class to any fool that can tolerate HER
I, Cheryl Moyer, will to Raymond Brooks my ability to keep notes and to all the underclassmen Mary Ware
I, Hunter Garrett, do will my ability to the class of "67," to look at Mr.Turkel's social problems class with a perceptive eye
I, Janie Wineman, do will to Linda Adamee all the broken test tubes, burnt fingers and spilled acid we have accumulated this year
I, Carolyn Wein, will Mr.Fielder many girl physics students.
I, Carolyn Martin do hereby will my growing pills to the basketball team and' my monitoring ability to Rick Eubank.
I, Barbara Reid do will to Mary Ann Vinson my piece of chewing gum for first period.
I,Fred Falwell do hereby will to Miss Waller, a Wig.
I, Sue Worley, hereby will Patricia Vest all of the Lynchburg College parties, and Mr E. P., B. L., AND A. B..
I, John Conner, hereby will the privileges and fringe benefits of thedarkroom to next year's photographers
I, Tom Hodges, do will Ronnie Driskill my statue of Rudy Watson, Mike Laptrip a cracked Piston and especially to "Pudgy" Brown a strawberry milkshake,
I, Sandra Gaddis, being of sound mind, do will my notebook to Rozie Jackson the names already on it
I, Kathy Bryant do hereby will to Mr. Boe, one nervous cop and four painted hoofs.
I, Joanna Dowdy, do will to Brenda Miller the ability to stay out of the B.T. with Wayne
I, Tom McDonald do will to Randy Wallace my ability as a defense lawyer, and to Chuck Pinkerton the ability to blunder.
I, Betty Jean Montgomery, will to the E.C.Glass cheerleaders my 13 year old unuorm, to Jay Costan, Booby Brown's bathing suit, and to Nat Gilloyle. 5th year Latin.
I, Patsy Brooks, will my seat in Mr Burmanln's bookkeeping class to Dianne Dunn
I, Betty Gay, do will to Garland Gay my abtllty to pass French and to Kamy Gray my beautiful figure.
I, Mary Moon, will the best of luck to Lee and Bobby and hope Donna Sue will learn how to cook to satisfy her husband.
I, Jean Goding, will one clean sponge and an extra light bulb to Mr. Lockhart for the overhead projector.
I, Mike Harris, do will my wonderful homeroom teacher one bottie of Jergen's hand lotion
I, Carolyn Foster. do will Janet my wild band days - to Earle one Double Shot, a dozen squirt guns, and to Kenneth a king-size Dr. Pepper.
I, Kathy Jennings, do will Toby the drugstore and apple orchard, Mary Lou my ability to yell, and Donald Duck a cat for a week
I, Sandra Marshall, will to Miss Cox one large glass of soda water and to Coach Sherrill one student with my ability to spell
I, Tommy Hamilton, being of sound mind, do will my spelling book to Miss MacGregor and my ability to love to Nancy Millner.
I, Susan Smith, do bequeath one pineapple-Easter basket to Pam Burg, Wendy Hiller, and Chip Wood; and my make-up to Miss Mary Ware.
I, Phyllis Wade, do hereby will Miss Margaret Williams my good attitude and pleasant disposition.
I, Joyce Abbot, leave Bennie Snead amidst his dreams of that Honda and drowning in his girl problems-face it, you can't win either way.
I, David Jordan,will to Mr Bittle better luck at catching people skipping than he had with me.
I, Amelia Talley,do will my ability to swim like a dead fish to Audrey Talley and my rubber alligator to Paula Grey Barksdale
I, Larry McWane, do will all of my stock certificates to Mr.Racer, and to Malcolm Sydnor my ability to graduate and play a guitar
I, Tom Patterson,do hereby will my ability to incriminate Stuart Couch, Tim Shelton, and Tommy Foster to Sam Ripley and Clyde Adams. May you all escape from gross ignorance.
I, Linda Adamee, wili to Bev Hutter a large, loud whistle.
I, Betty Bumgarner Craig, will my ability to pass Algebra-Trig and a foreign language to Linda Bumgarner.
I, Vincent Hovda, do will my loving self to Betsy Duclos and the test of me to nobody because there isn't anything left
I, Duane Burks, will my superior ability to do anything to anyone·who deserves it
I, Edward George, Will my 12~pound half-back to Coach Bob Sherrill and my ability to throw the shot to Kathy Gray
I, Laura Ford, do will to Mr.Milam a copy of Sir Johll Maynard Keynes' treatsie on deficit spending and a supply of band-aids, and to Emily Wood my three treasures-Donna, Diane, and Sandra
I, Robert Powers, do will Kenneth Hodges a girl friend for more than two weeks and E. D. Ford and Walter Deacon the ability to graduate.
I, Phyllis Phipps, will to Miss Scarci another class identical to her fifth period and to Linda Pound the rats in my locker
I Fred Thompson, do will to all Ford lovers that all Fords will lose to all Plymouths.
I, Mac Gowell, do will E.C Glass.to anyone who wants it.Also a summer job at WLLL to Mr. Reid
I, Joan Myers, will my seat in Business Law, Room 157 to Murrell Campbell.
I, Neal Mason, do will to Miss Howell and all the underclassmen my TWO CHOICE WORDS, providing. they can find time to use them
I, Roberta Cooper, do will to Janie North my good-for-anything brother David, to Mrs.Cothran, "THE" bass section; and to David Richardson, a Tahitian Treat
I, Diane Elmore, will to anyone brave enough to accept it the Glass library, noted for its rare editions of fourth grade readers and antiquities.
I, Ella McBrayer, do will to; Linda Tyree one clean ordered mind, David Johnston a bag of potato chips, and Miss MaeGregor a quiet homeroom
I, Davis Hunt, will thanks to all my teachers and fellow students, it has been a great four years.
I, Calvin McCormick, bequeath all of my empty wine bottles to Daddy Reid, so he can have fun in his office.room
I, Brenda Godsey, will to my sister,Marilyn, all my French notes and books.
I, Lynda Legg, will to my brother, Jimmy, the ability to pass anything!
I, Bonnie Dickerson, do will to coaches Bradford and Bryan my Wayne Harris scrap book
I, Sue Sharp, bequeath to Paul Bryant, the ability to keep love notes in his possession and Ann Bryant the ability to outdo her brothers.
I, Brenda Glass, will to Gloria Fitzgerald and Bonnie Cunningham, my ability to stay in fourth period class.
I, Jerry Evans, will one key to the Ladies room and a chalk line to "Tinkler" Leech
I, Cathy Taylor, will "Mr.Right" to anyone that wants him
I, Sharon Lucado, do will to Cheryl Lucado all of my books and teachers, and my chemistry book to Mr. Shober.
I,Regina Nadine Aultice, do will all my mathematical ability to Debbie Jackson so that she may plot "a step in the right direction."
I Katnerine Lucy, will to my brother Don, Iocker 1028 with the crazy combination of books, towels, papers, left by a former senior
I Mike Harlow, will my tricycle to David Burgess, my still to George Mosely, my civics ability to Bob Ray, and some windows to Miss Waller.
I,Shelly Knowles, do will to Mrs.Bartng ail my books that she may enjoy reading them more tnan I have
I Deborah Trent, will Wanda Clack all my good times as a senior and a little white kitten.
l, Joyce Marie Trent, do will to Donna Airendall, my sharpened pencils that I manage to keep sharpened with her help;
I, Ricky Woodall; do hereby will to the class of '67-noncensorship!
I, Eugene Garrison, hereby will my thermo-D long underwear, which have attachable suspenders to Mr. Turkel
I, Bruce Harmon, will my love of frtends and the magnitude of a true friendship to Rhody Meredith.
I, Bobby Saunders, will all my "charm" to Jack Stevens and Cecil Rucker
I, Judy Fariss, will to Mr.Shober.a quiet homeroom and to Debby Beck and Mary Desmond the joy of taking fourth year French
i, Pat Stevens, will to all second year typing students the company of Mrs.Pryor and all the typewriters in room 143 Good luck
l, Joe Seagle, do will one surveilance corner to incoming students of 205; to Mr.Huff, one pouch of magic power.
I, .Kay Inge, do hereby will my ability to sleep in class and my sister to David Simms on Senior Day.
I, Alan Stephens, do will my best wishes to all of my teachers,both past and present and to each student at Glass.
I, Linda Saferight Thomas, leave my ability to get married and still graduate to any lucky girl who is able to do it.
I, Linda Spradlin, will all my love letters to Leslie Shaner and a pair of chalked-cracked hands to Mrs.Knipp
I, John Ewing, will my still to anyone who will keep it in shape and out of t.h.e greedy hands of the Revenuers
I, Everett Taylor, will my Chevrolet injected-cam, solid lifters,and A.F.B. to anyone who will use them in competition against the Ford Motor Company.
I, David Wilks, will my condolences to Gene Sterne and Duke Trevillian who will always be bums,
I, Elizabeth Jones, being of unsound mind, do will my still to J.Ewing and to Ed and Leroy (provided they get their hair cut) in order to show certain people that I'm not as stingy as they think
I Judi Hoke, do will to Miss Hughes one jar of crickets, and to Mr Milam more jokes!
I, Melvin Trent, will my spelling book to Mr. Mccue.
I, Barbara Newton, do will my 312 Ford engine and 4 barrel, toTommy; he deserves it.
This is the end and I hope I never again return. May E. C. Glass forever prosper if it can ever get a start. Wayne Davidson
I, Wayne Helms. will George Moseley the ability to become a "G" man and to Coach White the year.
I, Jane Petticrew, do will to Emily Ware six new guitar strings so she can play for the Y-Teen choir next rear.
I, Sandria Turner, do will to Carolyn Casstevens the big red E and to Nancy another enemy after I'm gone.
I, Jo Anne Rudder, do will to Brenda Dudley the wild ostrich, and to Nancy another enemy since I'm leaving
I, Lynn Cook, will Terry Padgett one box of salt and a greeny meany and to Ellen Smith one severed hand and a Cavalier trip
I, Lem McCraw, do will my ability to succeed to Linda Thurman.
I, Julia Anderson, will my height to David Knight to help him reach the basketball goal.
I, Ronnie Hunt, will to any teacher, windows you can see through.
I, John Schlotterbeck, do hereby leave a year's supply of Lady Clairol to Miss Jettie Marie Waller so she can change her hair color every week.
I, Anne Waters, being of sound mind and body, do will to Wayne Cunningham a double shot of his baby's love.
I, James I. Farlow, will to my brother Michael my ability to graduate from high scbool
I, Leland O'Brian, will Miss Waller my bottle of peroxide, Kathy Gray my garage at Mr. H's plant, and Daisy Mai a can of hair.
I, Becky Fuller, do will Mrs. Knipp one postion as layout editor on the Crest.
I, Jo Anne Deacon, will to Kathy O'Keefe, all our hard work and long hours for a good SCA assembly next year.
I, Sandy Dellinger, will Mrs. Sedenka two boisterous and incorrigible cashiers; my clip board to Mrs. Knipp; four rollicking high school years to Anne and Phil
I, Janice Wade, hereby will Mr.Croft my ability to carry on a conversation and Miss Williams my ability to get along with teachers
I Steven Garnsey, leave Mr. Milam my supply of six inch rulers for all future ring dances.
I, Nancy Naff, do will Melinda Naff a life-size doll of Chippy D. and to Debbie McCarron, horseradish in the mustard.
I, Donna Clark, do hereby will to Mrs. Mary Brown's new homeroom a skeleton key to room 209
I, Susan Wyatt, G., will leave period. As I hop out I may time provided, hand my paint brushes to Jimmy and everybody, my 18 H. C. membership to .Dorrie and Brian, my trips to Amherst to the new editors.
I, Rudy Soldan, do will to our upcoming Senior Class my white cap, gown, and my burning cross
I, David Sutor, do hereby will a bowl of H soup to BK and 14 rhubarb sticks to Robert, Charles, and Robert
.I, Irvin Mulholland, will my ability to: argue, sing, and participate in extra-curricular activities (outside of school) to anybody who thinks they can do it
I, Wade Tlrompson, will 250 pages of Spanish notes to La Petite Senora, Big Red to Terry Ford, and our house to Janet's arson gang
I, Carlton Duck, do will to Cynthia Grissom and Carole Upshur my ability to succeed in graduating with high honors from Glass.
I, Ricky Saunders, will to my brother, Tom, my ability to run track and John Sparks my skill as a hustler.
We, Marion Gamble and Gloria Johnson, do hereby leave our last penny to our favorite charity - Mr. Shober's Fund for the Rehabilitation of Uncoordianted Chemistry Students
I Emmy Lou Terrell, do hereby will to Andee Maddox the ability to drive from Smith Mountain to Lynchburg in 45 minutes.
I, Taine Upshur, do will my infinite stream of questions to anyone who has some answers or to someone who can keep their mouth shut.
I Malcolm Sydnor, do hereby will my faithful quack and my ability to play 2nd team behind an underclassman, to Stan Moore.
I, an anonymous benefactor,.do hereby will to the Girls' Physical Education Department one dilapidated and shredded gym suit,
I Sara Neas, hereby will my driving ability to Ann Keeling, and my racing stripes to Gail Tucker and my chemistry knowledge to Sherry Farmer.
I Stuart Couch, do leave my map of Brookville and seat at Bennie's to Trent, Fleck, Sam, and Clyde. Use them wisely, boys.
I, Tinke Skinner, do will Troy East a program and a piece of cheese and to any Senior girl, firsthand ability of robbing the cradle.
I James Douglas Perkins, do confess to all crimes against the school as charged by the Milam Youth Interrogation of May 24,1966.
I, Melinda Nurmi, do will to Wendy Hiller the V.E.S..track field and to Doug a book in penmanship.
I, William S.Gillispie, do will Mr. Cerillo my ability to argue and always be right.
I Toby Weaver, do hereby will Mrs Cothran two flat dramatic tenors "ORNEY BABY GRANT AND DAVID THE RING MARSTON."
I, Richard Young, do will the upcoming senior class one copy of "George Washington Slept Here" and three cigarettes for Mr. Kimber's beard.
I, Jo Anne Neighbors, will to Buddy Dowdy my ability to get up in the morning and my blue garter after our wedding.
I, Sharyn Marks, do will Mrs.Whitehead the 1 :1 probability of teaching "thinking students" instead of ''poor children" and to Miss Mcivor one wilted stinkweed.
I, Janet Polisse, do hereby will a locker plastered with Peanuts Cartoons and a slightly modified Yankee accent to anyone who will have them
I, Becky Proehl, do will to Miss l\lclvor my willingness to attend National Honor Society and graduation ceremonies at any school.
I, Margaret Harler, will to Joanne Willoughby the ability to get along with others and Lynn Stinnette the strength to stay a way from the boys.
I, Donna Sue Bryant, will to all on coming Juniors, namely to Gale Smith, my ability in shorthand and my teacher's love.
I, David Bailey, do will to Red Gibson my great basketball skills and my ability not to brag about it.
I, Marcia Taylor. will to John Shaw a bottle of black ink and a steady hand, and to Bev Hutter my driver's license from Sears
I, Noel Thompson, hereby will Argo all the cherries and raisins in Cafeteria II, and to Hariet Highschool all the rotten tapioca she can eat!!
I, Mary Coffey, do will to.Mrs Cothran, all the tulips in my backyard and one bowl of lumpy tapioca pudding.
I, Betty Jo DeWitt, do hereby will another full year of school days, a "What's New Pussycat" record and lots of Mondays to Trent Runyon.
We, Lynne Shotton, Betty Jo De Witt and Kathy Bryant do hereby will to Mrs. Ashby Cothran a great big bowl of mushy tapioca pudding
We, Dianna Marston and Steppie White, will Miss Waller a bottle of peroxide.
I, Jimmy Stevens. do will:Sandy, a yardfull of popcorn; Becky a friend she can't use; and Dave and Ken. a musketeer to replace me.
I, Alan Haymes, will my hammer and saw to Mr.Gardner.
I, Brenda Marshall, being of unsound mind and body, do will my "little bounce" to Virginia "Bouncy" Marshall.
I, Carl Crennel, hereby of sound mind will to all future athletes my agility on the football field as well as my ability in the classroom
I, Kate Smith, do will to Wayne Hill my ability to handle "Beast," and to big Shelton I will my psychology lessons free of charge.
I, Barbara Worley, do will all the \vonderful experiences and excitement of being a Senior to my ''little" brother, Julian, Next Year's "Senior." You have my permission to walk in the halls with all the girls.
I, Jeanette Jones, will Miranda Wilson my 3rd period teacher (she wants him), Shelia Stevens, Short Eddie and Ruby Swain a handful of peanuts.
Bobby Burnett ...... I will if you will.
I, Bernard .Monroe, will one number two pencil and a full day of pure unadulterated laziness to :Miss Mary Ware.
I, Betty L.Boylan, do hereby will to Mrs.M.Brown a quiet homeroom and to Mrs.White, HR 209's Senior Day outfits.
I, B. H. Wood, do bequeath my great understanding of Latin to Miss Brown and Miss Cox and my creative mind to next year's Crest staff.
I, Johnny Kidd, will to Danny Childress a strong right arm to dodge trailer trucks and flying cinder blocks and Coach Bradford a Kew jet
I, Laura Hutter, will to Mr.Fralin a new paint job for the Volvo.
I, Janet Phillips, will to the one who competes in the radio scholarships. the ability to come in last and to Dick Hadlock my ability to bubble (at MYF meetings)
I, Pat Womack, hereby will to Mr.Shober another great home room and to my sister, Barbara Womack, a tall boyfriend.
I, Helen Ford, will my voice lessons to Miss Scdenka.likeable personality to D. H. ability to lose weight lo S. Sutor, and all my smiles to Ken.
I, Winifred Lipscomb, will 500 Blue Horses to Mr.Cerillo, Business Law teacher.
I, Kathy Jordan, will Mr.Shober another wonderful homeroom and to Linda Gibson my sense of humor so that she can laugh while she's failing.
I John Trevey do will to W. T. Stinnette my ability to keep a transmission more than seven days, and to ''sug" Harris one set of Roof Brakes.
I, Sonny Witt, do hereby will my seat in the Lounge Ted Bergman.
I, Tommy Shelton. will to Mr Rand one huge box of term papers and to l\lr Shank. a slightly used drawing pencil and broken T-square.
I, Rodney Burchette, will Peanut a date to the Ring Dance, a trip to the beach, and Wade Thompson a two-headed coin.
I, Marshall Nuckols, hereby will Wuthering Heights and Irvin to Miss Palmer, a better incubator to Mrs. Macon, and bags that don't leak to Lizzie.
I, Brenda Crawford, do will to Cheryl Sligh my ability to go through four years of high school and six weeks of summer school
I, Elizabeth Coffey, will to Connie and Bonnie Page two pairs of roller skates so thev can catch the bus on time
We, Betty Londeree, Olivia Downey, Jackie Presley, Cecilia Baer, in sound minds and bodies, do will our lunch table to Becky Grant and Diane Miles.
I, Ann B Cyrus, will Miss Waller an AIRY room on the SECOND floor.
I, Cecilia Baer, do will my lock er to my brothers, an autograph to Mr. Carson's probable Spanish Book, and my bus seat to P.S.
I, Martha Childers, do will Linda Tyree the ability to remember and Andee Maddox a new foot.
I, Rosa Ware, will to Jean Lee my indigestion at lunch time be cause I have to eat so fast.
I, Gloria Jefferson, will to Carolyn Brown my bookkeeping ability to Cindy Stevens another "Pest" like me, and to "Mary," my good personality.
I, Jane Wright, will Bertha Wright my locker
I, Lynn DeWitt, who am not of very sound mind and who am not very willing, do hereby will four wonderful years to Glass.
I, Sue McLennan, do will to David Tibbs my ability to stay awake, to be jealous, and especially to read letters correctly
I, Grady R. Blake Jr. do will my drawing ability to Mr. Dave Reid in order that he might do a better job next year.
I, Billy Evans, do will my formula for anli-sleep pills to any senior who can find time to take them.
I, Joan Smith, do hereby will to Miss Mcivor two girls who can add and subtract and to Miss Wiley a silent charm bracelet.
I, Christine Long, do will to Mrs.Cothran a good alto section . . . and some tapioca pudding.
I, Mike Brenton, will my Batman costume to Susan and Nancy Nelson and my shin splints to whoever wants them.
I, Sandria Ewers, do will to G.G. Sydnor a fresh supply of raw meat, and a great deal of luck.
I, Pat Bruington, do hereby will to my brother Charles my fantastic ability to infuriate .Mr. Verrmilion, to Susan Sutor a bra nd-new saddle and bridle, and to Mr. King one Yale Revue.
I, Patsy Jennings, will my luck of making it through school to my brother, my crazy actions to Linda Gibson, and my seat in civics class to anyone whose heart desires it.
I, Frank Malloy, will to 'Skoot" the ability to hit the ground when spitting, and my record of Skoot's two-sided hit "Dry Bone" and "Wahoo-Wahoo"
I, Wayne Elder, will to Ken Hodges my safe driving award and a new cooler To Mr.Racer goes three shares of Mother Viney and Stock.
I, Richard Harris, do will Jimmy Johnson my ability to pass through identification as twenty-one years old and a totally demolished Volkswagen.
I, Susan Montgomery, do will to Butch McDaniel, my ability to carry two stacks of heavy books around the halls of E.C.Glass.
I, Faye Ferguson, will to my brother Jimmy my favorite teacher, Mary Ware, and to Carolyn Deacon a year-round permit to the Plaza.
We, Betty Ray Carey, Jane Newton, Will Jones, and Faye Tice, will all the yard dogs in the world to the puppies of m1ddle lunch.
I, Gail Floyd, do will my ability to get smart and stay smart to Boo Boo Dawson.
I, Carolyn Jones, will to each teacher who gets my brother a bottle of aspirin. I will my ability to pass Shober's chemistry to anyone needing it.
I, Mike McKenna, do will to the class of "67" my ability to have dances at the wrong time.
I, Bennie Kidd, will lo Dickie Martin my ability to go to the "Blue Room" without fear of being checked.
I, Ned Hickson, do will it!
I do will Mrs.Pryor the ability to catch girls smoking in the bathroom, 2 in a booth. -Unknown
I, Linda Ashwell, will to Claudia Kostecki, all the cue balls I knock off her pool table and to Nancy Millnec all my sleepless nights.
I, Dianne Pollard, being of sound mind, hereby will-. to J. Winston Milam, one Big Island Paper Mill and the S!\IELL that goes with it.
I, Susan Norton, will to Emma Wood a school full of Coke machines and to Peggi Tucker a sound system with feedback.
I, Wistar Heald, will Chip Dillard the ability to sing "Shotgun, Shoot Him Before He Runs Now!'.'.
I, Debbie Duff, do wll to Jim, my ability to snow people, an Ollley to Mr.Fralin, and my ability to be on time to Aubrey.
I, Brenda Saunders, will my black death-trap to anyone who can drive it.
I, Carolyn Ranson, will to J.Sullivan my wonderful blue car and a vacant space at the Big Boy.
I, Betsy Padgett, do will my yellow infant dress to Greg E. and V. G. M. and my ability to play 5th period to Nancy P.and Cheryl C.
I, Linda Johnson, do will my 318 Chevy Engine to Eddie Steward because he needs it. Also my love.
I, Betsy Morris will to my brothers John and Dick, one pair of track shoes; and a set of weights
I, Rose Marie Simms, do hereby will a bounty to anyone who can capture that "fuzzy, ugly, grey rat" out of my locker.
I, Wistar Trent, do hereby will to Mr. Racer the "GREAT SOCIETY," and to Phil Ramey, the easiest course he can take next year.
I, Nancy Bowling, will my grades to Brenda to Carolyn my senior schedule, and my homerooms and lockers to the unlucky one that gets them.
I, Heyward Allen, will Danny my ability to get out of school on the four year plan and Mr..McCue the ability to bend some of his rules.
I, Donna Cannon, will to Earl McFaden my ride each day to school with my father-in-law.
I, Harvey Boswell, do hereby will to Ronnie Driskill my Corvair when, if ever, he gets his driver's permit and lo the Air F'orce all my hair.
I, Davit! Nein, do will my ability to hit long drives to Bobby O'Brien and my ability to shank to Bobby Evans.
I, Franklin Johnson, will to Nan Thornhill my only heart and soul
I, Don Stokes, do hereby will to;\1rs. Merryman 203 homemade permits and to all underclassmen my ability to get-sick-quick!
I, Putnam Mundy, will to Mrs Whitehead one fifth period class of intelligent adults in place of her regular group of·Children."
I, Roger Dowdy.do hereby will to Mrs.Cothran one baritone, Dale Chenault, in dire need of diapharmatic breathing and general musical ability
I, Judy Coleman, do hereby will my ability to be neat to Mrs.Brown and to Bill KimBall a 100 lead basket balls
I, Linda Taylor. do hereby will to my brother Craig Taylor my good grades. superior wisdom and all my Malio Cup coupons
I, Anne Hughes, do will five inches of my height to Mrs Reams, and my Algebra Trig. book to Chip Wood, Wendy Hiller, and Bobbie Hughes.
I, Billy Dooly, will four shares of valuable Blue Ribbon stock to Mr. Blunt, my draft card to Bryant Bowles, and my cooler to Rodger Harper.
I, Jay Costan, do hereby bequeath to John Pettyjohn the presidency of the Outer Banks Surf Club and I bestow upon Janie North one pack of candy reefers.
I, Francis Norris, will Auditorium 7 and all the other "cells" in the basement to Alcatraz.
I, Patrick Harlow, will Ronnie Bergstrom one Wednesday night at the Parkway and one oak tree that can't talk.
I, Gloria Mayhugh, do hereby will to Gail Tucker my nurse's aid shoes and uniforms and to Barbara Simms my ability to graduate.
We, Ann Clark and Vicki Sanderson, do hereby will Miss Wiley one ticket to England and Mr. Beckner our superior ability to get things done.
I, Mike Grissom, will to John Lloyd Swann one St Christopher's medal, one cup of communion wine, and the ability to be called C.H.
I, Lynne Lowe, do hereby will Randy Campbell the friendly rat that shares my locker and my green eyes to Brenda Mayberry.
I, Bruce Worley, do will Sandra Hardy ability to not lose her shoes and to Richard·Morris the map of Herbert Hall and the Cavalier.
I, Linda Davis, do will to my sister, Luree, a broken locker, a torn notebook with aillions of notes, and a boy like Glenn.
I, Brenda Thompson. do hereby will my broken nose to the G. A. A., my nose guard to Mrs Lee and my southern accent to Mrs.Stanton.
I, Cindy Pursley, will to Miss Mcivor a girl who knows her alphabet and to my sister my place in the Madrigal Choir.
I, Lynn Stinnette, will to my brother, Paul, my pencil, and I trust he won't have to push it as hard as I did.
I, Cindy Creasy, do hereby will Mr.Fielder a summer school course in geometry under himself and my youth so that he can fly again.
I, Mary Jo Presley, do will to anyone at Glass, homeroom 205 with all its snakes, birds, rabbits and homeroom teacher Mr.Huff
I, Jacqueline Presley, do will to David Burgess my one used second year Spanish book and lots of luck with second year Spanish.
I, James P. Myers, being of sound mind and superior intellect, do will to Foot, one male ballerina. one bent ring, and all my luck
I, Darlene Pollard, being of sound mind, do hereby will to Ann Campbell and Debbie Dawson the space l left behind in our locker.
I, Rosemary Clark, do hereby will to Mr. Croft my ability to never keep my mouth shut in Civics class
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