E C Glass High School
Class of 1966
Beacon of Hope
Reunion Committee E.C. Glass HS Class of 1966
Dear Classmates,
You may have heard about The Beacon of Hope, a non-profit that Rosel Schewel and others founded in 2011 to help Lynchburg City School (LCS) high school students realize the dream of continuing their education beyond high school at either technical school or college.
The Beacon of Hope "Future Centers" at both LCS high schools now help students with post-secondary school applications and with the search for financial aid. This year, Beacon of Hope began a pilot Scholarship Fund to financially aid 6 students who applied and were chosen to receive a scholarship.
Please watch this video about the Beacon of Hope: http://www.jayproffitt.com/beacon-preview
When I think back on my EC Glass High School experience and my growing up in Lynchburg, I know now how very lucky I was to have had parents and a community who nurtured me and encouraged me. Like many of us, I took making good grades and going to college for granted. I did not think about the extraordinary education I was getting at Glass; I did not worry about the mechanics of applying to college or about how I would be supported while at college. But, sadly, the world has changed. Many E C Glass High School students don't have the same advantages we did. For that reason The Beacon of Hope was founded. This organization will make a huge difference in the lives of kids in Lynchburg who don't
have now the same good fortune as we did then.
After polling our Reunion Committee about the idea, our EC Glass Class of 1966 has established a 50th Reunion Gift Campaign. The recipient of our gift will be the Beacon of Hope Scholarship Fund. The 50th Reunion Gift committee requests that you please consider making a gift toward this effort in the amount of $50, $100, $500, $1,000 or more. The Class of 1964 raised over $12000 for this worthy cause
Please help us reach our goal of $10,000 and allow us to include your name on the Honor Roll of Donors to our 50th Reunion Gift.
The Class of '66 50th Reunion Gift will be presented to the Beacon of Hope at our reunion festivities in October. The names of contributors to the 50th Reunion Gift will be displayed prominently at the reunion.
The committee thanks you for considering giving back to the current EC Glass students in return for all that we have been given. A donation form is attached to the second page of this e-mail. Instructions on mailing the form and your gift are included on the form below. Our sincere thanks to those who have already mailed a check.
Our 50th Reunion will be the best ever! The reunion committee has planned to make this milestone reunion more fun than ever before. Please don't miss this wonderful chance to see so many of your classmates and dear friends. We look forward to seeing all of you in October.
Keith Fisher
50th Reunion Gift Committee Chairman
Please return this form.
Donor: ____________________________________________
Amount: $_____________________
Make Checks Payable to:
Beacon of Hope
Attention: Sandra McDaniel
2935 Ravenwood Dr
Lynchburg, VA 24503
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